Punky Brooster Returns

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Things I will miss about BYU

1. All of the nice people who live in my stairwell: Jenny and Joey, Lindy and Kelly, Ginger and Nathan.
2. All of my darling co-workers here at the BYU Bookstore.
3. The botanical gardens and the happy deer who live there. Especially the little spotted fawns.
4. Having beautiful mountains so close to my apartment. They are incredibly gorgeous in the mornings, especially foggy mornings.
5. Spring in Provo. I love all the blossoms. Especially outside my window.
6. My favorite professors (not listed in any particular order): Hickman, Gardner, Rudy, Oaks.
7. The library, especially the periodicals section, which smells deliciously academic and always makes me feel productive and smart.
8. Being close to Seth, Scott, and Mandy.
9. Getting mail and e-mail from home.


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