Punky Brooster Returns

Monday, April 17, 2006

Just a weekend report.

This weekend was mostly good. Saturday morning I went over to Amanda's house and we watched Moulin Rouge and crocheted. I, of course, cried hysterically, because that's what I do when I watch movies. I swear that movie wasn't so damn sad the last time I watched it. I hate watching movies these days because they're always an extremely intense emotional experience for me. When I was a kid and a teenager, I had teary or angry or afraid moments while watching movies, but now that I'm a grown-up I experience loud sobbing, complete rage, and icky terror. I don't always want to feel that much, so I avoid movies as much as possible. Even dumb movies like "Hellboy" make me cry. Urg.

I also think I am experiencing some MOFO PMS. This will be my first non-birth-control-regulated period in over two years, and I think my body really wants to make it spectacular. I'm zitty, tired, bloated, moody, headachy, pee-ey, and perpetually hungry. I wish it would just come. PLEASE painful menstrual flow, JUST COME!

Abe and I "went to church" yesterday for the first time in nearly three months. Our "going to church" actually consisted of slipping into someone else's sacrament meeting, singing two hymns, realizing we were at the END rather than at the BEGINNING of the service, and slipping out quietly after the closing prayer. Ten minutes of churchtime. Maybe next week we'll shoot for fifteen.

Collette and Marty (sis and bro-in-law) came into town on Saturday and we all met for lunch. Seth was in Idaho, but he probably would not have like hanging out with three couples, so it was probably for the best. It was good to see CoMart, though too bad that it was so very brief a meeting. I'm excited to spend more time with those two when we move to Iderho.

I went shopping on Friday with my friend Meagan, who has a shopping problem. I bought two white turtleneck sweaters--- one for my sister and one for me-- for a total expenditure of $18.00. She bought five pairs of underpants, a pair of jeans, and three new shirts-- for a total expenditure of $150.00. When I got home, I showed Abe my turtleneck and he, of course, pulled it on and proceded to prance around the house, speaking with a lisp, and flopping his wrists here and there. It's moments like these that make me desperately want to get our digital camera working again. As he was pulling the sweater off over his head, he grinned mischievously and said, "Ah. The things I do that no one but you would ever even believe." But now everyone has to believe me. Because this is posted on the internet, The Great Source of All Truth. Bwah hah hah hah hah hah hah!

Speaking of foppishness, Nicky was in my dream last night. He was getting ready to go on his mission and I was helping him pack. My mom wanted me to give him some of my dresses..."just in case." So I made him take two of my dresses. It also turned out that most of his garments were girl garments. He said they were more comfortable. I want him to learn how to knit when he gets home. I know he'll like it. But he might be stubborn and say no.

Holly called and left a message on my machine. I'm afraid she's calling to say that she's pregnant, and I'm trying to work up the proper amount of happy enthusiasm to accompany such a pronouncement before I call back. I really don't want to be a selfish jerk. I just don't know how to stop being so.

I actually read something like that in a novel this weekend. It's called Snow Falling on Cedars. One of the main characters, it was described, was like his father: He loved humanity and hated people. He didn't want to be like that, but he didn't know how to change it either. Maybe I'll find the exact quote later.


  • At Tue Apr 18, 03:52:00 PM 2006, Blogger Rachel said…

    Actually, I don't think there actually was a plot to have been sacrificed.

    Mom recommended this to me off her list of Best American Novels Ever Written, but it's moving reaaaly slowwly.

    I may give up on it. I'm tired of working when I read. Give me your Tom Clancy's, your Agatha Christies, your huddled R.L. Stines yearning to be read.


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