Punky Brooster Returns

Friday, April 14, 2006



Soulforce lacked respect

"I was impressed that BYU allowed Soulforce to come and share their point of view, and I was impressed with the kindness BYU students showed the members of Soulforce. However, I was very disappointed with the lack of integrity the members of Soulforce displayed. They failed to respect the policies of our campus, and therefore limited the chance other groups may have to express their opinions on our campus.
I encourage students to kindly express their disappointment to Soulforce via e-mail. In addition to being dishonest with conscience (by embracing homosexuality), the members of Soulforce showed a lack of integrity by placing the full blame of gay-related suicides on oppression, and by comparing their movement to those of Ghandi's and Martin Luther King's.
Some will say that the solution to this problem is to "let them do their thing and let us do ours." That philosophy, just as the philosophy behind Soulforce, lacks integrity. It is our responsibility to find the balance between being kind and being proactive. Of course, sending an e-mail isn't the full solution, but if we do nothing, they will continue completely unimpeded."

Jon Ogden

*From Rach: Please God, redeem me from this hell hole.

(And no, the woman above is not me, though she is clearly expressing the dizzying emotion I am currently experiencing at the closed-minded idiocy surrounding me here at the BYU. Piece of shit university.)


  • At Tue Apr 18, 03:55:00 PM 2006, Blogger Rachel said…


    Kind of along these lines....

    Abe discovered an interesting blog yesterday. It's that of a student here at the Y who, as he puts it, "struggles with same-sex attraction." It's interesting to read his personal take on being an active and believing member of the church while recognizing your homosexuality.


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