Punky Brooster Returns

Friday, March 31, 2006

Why I'm Here

Hi. This is me, to the left, looking eyebally and high strung, which I am (high strung, I mean) but I wouldn't reveal this so early on had our cheap digital camera continued functioning for longer than three weeks. As it is, however, it did not, and we are digital camera less, and this is about as good as it gets in the world of pictures taken before the camera tragedy struck.

A few months ago, I caught blog fever and decided to start a blog for my husband and I to use as a newsletter of sorts for family and friends. This was nice and all, but my spark quickly sizzled out and I lost interest. Then, later, while browsing knitting websites, I discovered a wonderfully done blog (crazyauntpurl.com), and my desire to make my own was reignited. But this time I'm not going to invite family and friends. In fact, I think that was part of the problem with the last one... a person can't say a whole lot about what they're thinking without fear of offending some loved one or another, and I'm not a big fan of generic "We did this this weekend, and it was so lovely, and life is good" sort of newslettery stuff, so interest was quickly lost (as I already noted) and the blog sizzled out. But anyway, this is my long way of explaining that, while newsletters don't work so well for me, neither do journals, which tend to break down into either self-improvement lists or hateful diatribes directed at the world in general. So I was thinking maybe this semi-public forum, in which I feel somewhat self-conscious about my both my writing style and neuroses, but not so self-conscious that I can't say anything I wouldn't want my mother-in-law to read, would be a middle path to pursue along the road of self documentation.

So that is why I'm here. I don't really expect anyone to find this site, but if you do...welcome! And if you've found it and happen to fall into the family-or-friends of mine category, please click the back arrow on your internet browser and slowly back away from the website.


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